Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ecclesiastes and Vanity

I have begun to read the Bible in a more contextual basis, and I tell you that it unveils so much. It allows you to really see what GOD is saying and to whom. What you have to remember though is that GOD's word is living, active, and sharper than any double-edged sword" (Hebrews 4:12). So, the new dilemma is seeing who GOD is speaking to you. I don't proclaim to know all about this, but I want to share with you what I have begun to be brought through so that it may help you as well.

There are many issues that face us as Christians today, and honestly it is concentrated on infighting between denominations because of a disagreement on doctrine. I will be the first to tell you that I believe things that are not believed by other denominations and I believe that they are wrong. That doesn't mean that I think I am better than them ("Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself"-Philippians 2:3) or that I can judge another. The Bible says: "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you" (Matthew 7:1-2). So, if we are not to view them as inferior, but instead as better than us, and not to judge them even if we think they (a general they that you can apply yourself) are totally off the mark, so to speak, then why are we arguing and splitting up so much? It baffles me today the jokes that go around between denominations about other denominations and then the judgment that gets passed as people say that they have grown up in "so and so" denominations. It's laughed at, and some of it is not harmful or meant to be, so I understand that and it is obvious when this is the case, and used across the board. What would happen if we put all these things aside and united as we are called to in the Bible? What does that unity mean? (We’ll get to that in a second).

So, I have begun a small study on Ephesians and GOD has really spoken to me through HIS word and revealed a lot of things to me. There are five specific themes that my Bible gives me to look at while reading, and as those things are all true and relevant , I truly believe that the preacher in Ecclesiastes has a single, underlying purpose in his writing inspired by GOD. I believe that purpose is that under every action, pleasure, piece of knowledge, bit of wisdom (if not of GOD...), and element of our lives is ultimately in vain (stay with me...); that it all comes to nothing in the end. Even wisdom, which is of such high esteem in Proverbs is told to be vain (here we go…Here we believe that the wisdom talked about is worldly wisdom or that which is not from GOD and thus not purposed to draw someone closer to GOD) However, this book would be really depressing if this was the whole case; if everything is in vain, then what is the purpose of living?

The most important part to see is the last chapter (chapter 12). Here the preacher summarizes all of his writing and ties it all together under this singular theme: that all is truly in vain (without GOD), and only GOD can give meaning to life. I don't really want to explain it all because you won't read it all (most of you), so please take a good half an hour and go through Ecclesiastes straight through and really meditate on it. Know this, that the whole duty of a man is to "Fear GOD, and obey HIS commandments" (Ecclesiastes 12:13). So what does all this mean? What is my point? My point is that often times we lose sight of what is truth, GOD's word, and we begin to act at the whim of our emotions, feelings, and our traditions, and these actions breed bitterness, frustration, irritation, and dispersion of those that are supposed to be one in CHRIST, brothers and sisters under one call. All these things are in vain! Our doctrine is in vain without our lives being sold-out to GOD. Our church buildings and services are in vain if we are not about the word and obeying GOD's commandments. Our lives are in vain if we do not live them out for GOD because in a short while that life, which is a "shadow" (repeated term used in Ecclesiastes to describe the vanity of life), a vapor (James 4:14), it all comes to an end. You will either die and go to hell, or die and go to heaven. There is really no gray area in that, it's the plain truth. I say that to say that no matter what you do your life is in vain if lived in our own efforts. Only GOD gives meaning to life because in the end you will face HIM in judgment and HE will either be pleased that you lived righteous in CHRIST, after 'believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth that HE is LORD' (Romans 10:9), the best you could in HIS grace, or displeased because HE never knew you, and you will thus never know HIM. So why are we so separate? Why are we so hostile to each other? I was in this boat. I was upset with some of my leaders and it led to me being distracted from GOD's full purpose in my life. Thank GOD it was not long of an ordeal and at the same time those leaders were praying for me to understand, I was open and praying for GOD to reveal to me truth and mend those relationships. It ended in me being wrong (not always the easiest thing), but I wouldn't have it any other way because I understand unity so much better and I am closer to those people than before.

Why do we fight over doctrine that has nothing to do with salvation? I guarantee that everything in the Bible relates to salvation, and every vision must relate back to salvation or it is not based off the gospel of CHRIST. So, if doctrine is debated according to salvation, then it is certainly debatable, but if not, then why are we fighting? Why are we being so self-righteous at times? It certainly is not delightful in GOD's eyes. So I say, “come together as one in faith!”, for the "unity of the faith" (Ephesians 4:13) is that JESUS is the son of GOD; "one Lord, one faith, one baptism" (Ephesians 4:5). We are supposed to be "diligent to preserve the unity of the SPIRIT in the bond of peace" (4:3), so it's time we do so, and continue to do so with what we are doing in the process of unity. Don't live a life in vain! Follow CHRIST's ways being sold out to GOD. "Fear GOD and obey HIS commandments" (Ecclesiastes 12:13). "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37). "Present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship" (Romans 12:1).

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